Sunday, March 05, 2006
6 legged beast
I just came home from the library, turned on my light and looked up to see a HUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEEE SPIDER! He didn't even have 8 legs he only had 6. He was soo big. I quickly yelled for the roomies to go get Luke (the handyman who lives on site) while I watched to make sure it didn't run away. That would be the worst, to not know where it went and have to attempt to sleep with him loose!
So Luke came in and moved my bed away from the wall and then reached the broom up and smashed him, it fell to the floor. I thought it might get away, then Luke says "push the bed back" im thinking (KILL THE SPIDER, forget the bed!!) so we quickly did and ran to get some paper to clean up the spider (hopefully he was dead!) and Luke reaches down and underneath his foot is the smashed spider. Thank God he was home! I can handle bugs, roaches, ants, etc but this thing was "big enough to enroll in school". Two more months of tropical insects! Apparently this has been the week of the critters. I have had three different types of ants in my room. It started with three flying ants, then the always present sugar ants and just yesterday with FIRE ants that bit me while I was standing in my room. These are things I can deal with, its part of living down here, but the SPIDER, that is not what I would like to walk into my room and see, nor wake up and find. The last one was found back in January by the guy that was supposed to live in my room. It freaked him out so much that he didnt' even stay in the place longer than five minutes and never even moved in! Thankfully because I like this apt better than the first one we had. If the time frame is acurate there shouldnt' be anther one for another two monts ( I PRAY!). That will be right after I leave (hopefully). Glad I have been checking in my bed every night before I get in, just in case there are critters in there. I would hate to find him next to my pillow!

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1 comment:
What a biggie! She should have been keeping the roaches and ants down, but she can only eat so much! LOL!!! You know I'd have kept her. She's been through the wars. RIP old spider girl.
I'll write about my visit to P&B's in a bit. It was really nice, but exhausting. The girls are doing so well.
I'm so proud of your hard work.
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