Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body
This is what our physiology professor shared with us today. This self inflicted pain of studying for the boards must be worth it??? This is the same professor with ADHD that chugged two red bulls between breaks every hour for 9 hours for the three days he taught us. He is very talented at what he does, but it was sure hard to keep up the momentum he had. Perhaps, I should take up the red bull drinking and see what happens. Anyhow, not much to report. Still going to the gym and that is the extent of my life outside the hotel. If I have any exciting news, I will update the blog, but otherwise don't expect to see anything new here till after July 11th. In the mean time, please pray for my brain to continue to function till this pain ends.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Week One of Bootcamp

I am already exhausted from the start, not a good sign. The hotel is way more than I had ever imagined for a holiday inn. It is acutally very nice and my room is great. I have everything I could need except a kitchen and laundry facilities. I did invest in a water boiler thing from Target, so i can make lots of stuff now. The food they give is is a "continental" breakfast which consists of only coffee, bread and some variation of egg. The lunch is huge. It is more of a dinner size meal than lunch but it is good. I joined a gym down the road two days ago. Figure if I am in bootcamp, I might as well be in shape. Went the last two days. It was good to get outta the hotel and realize there still is a world. The board prep stuff is consuming. Yesterday we managed to cover all of genetics in 8 hours and today we did embryo and gross anatomy (1 of 5 anatomy days). I already feel behind but I think this is normal. The outside of class time is meant to be used for only brief reviewing of the days material and doing questions to identify weak areas. I have yet to get a routine. But am trying really hard. The two hour season finale of LOST kinda interrupted my flow last night. I had to watch it though. It was insane how much happened in the episode. Luckily though, I have no more shows to watch and can keep the tv contained in its chest. Ok, my study break is coming to an end. I must get back to work!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Me and Angie in Clarendon celebrating me being back in the US of A.

This is for Uncle Bill who I hear is reading my blog. Me and Lucy after our delicous meal last night.

The Ivan Class- SGU Class of 2008
Holiday Inn

The last week has been hectic, but relaxing. I have managed to see a few of the people that I have missed so dearly. Lots of quality time with my mom and all the Howtons and by coincidence Angie too. She came in for a long weekend to celebrate Allie's law school graduation. It was perfect so I could see her before heading off to study. I was even able to go to ABH's birthday party. I can also report that I have a new cell phone to communicate with the world. No phonecards and no echo.
Last night, I saw Lucy and the family for dinner. She and Hank is quite the chefs and I can't imagine ever wanting to eat out if I had a dinner like that every night. Sure does beat the ramen, I have been eating. I am still trying to get used to the idea of being back for good. Such a different world from the Caribbean. It is rather chilly here. About 60s with some highs in the 70s. Angie told me I looked like winter with my longsleeves on! I don't miss sweating, but I sure don't like having goosebumps. Been doing lots of driving around for various errands and am proud to report that I have only done the "international salute" (turning on the windshield wipers instead of the blinker) about 5.
The car is all packed up for the drive up to Wilmington. I have way more clothing than I could possibly need. Hopefully, this will eliminate the need to do laundry. My 6 weeks of living in a hotel will be roomy compared to the hotel that the girls and I lived in up in Long Island. I'll have my own bed!!! A friend of mine taking her class in Chicago said the course isn't bad and she is enjoying it. I am optimistic that mine might be the same. I have posted a link on the right entitled "Sailing the Grenadines". These are from the day trip I took with some friends right before heading north.

Monday, May 15, 2006

I'M BACK!!!!!!
I made it back after a long day of travel and sadly without any luggage. Hopefully, it will arrive sometime this week. (Good news is my red dress is not lost, I had it in my carry on!). I am at P&B's till later today and then am heading to the farm with my mom. Plan to stay there until Thursday then back to DC. It is still strange to think I am not going back down to the Caribbean. I will try to post my pictures of the last days in St. Vincent before the bootcamp starts, especially the ones of the Cays.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I'M COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!

My time in the Caribbean is offically over!!!!!!!! I have passed my classes and get the "ticket north". I am still in shock that it has ended. I keep thinking back to the start of MPH and how much I have done since then. I would not change any of it! I feel so lucky for it all.
Today, I flew back to the Grenadines for some quality time with a few of the islands and the Tobago Cays. It was just as amazing as the last time I was there. I will post pictures later. And.....I came home to find the water is out again. So, here I sit covered in salt water and sand. C'est la vie. I will miss this! Funny thing is that due to the constant absence of water, I have become professional with brushing my teeth with bottled water. I hope there is water for me to shower before I have to board the plane. Otherwise, it will be a partial reinactment of the post hurricane ivan arrival.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My last Exam for the basic sciences is tomorrow in Pathophys. I can't wait to have it over with. It has been difficult to sit still and study knowing so many things are coming to a close. Luckily, this week I finally found a new study spot, the lecture hall, to be productive. But, sadly that ended today when everyone from the library evacuated due to "pepper" spray. So my quiet place was no more. Good thing now is that I am finished with studying (well untill Board Boot camp starts)!!

Yesterday, I decided to go back to the Tobago Cays. I bought my ticket and am going on Friday with a few friends. I am really excited about seeing some of the islands we didn't have time to see on our sailing trip. I doubt I will have a chance to post pictures from the trip till I get back to the states because I am turning off our internet on Saturday. This may be the last post from St. Vincent!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006


Finished my Pharm final this AM! It wasn't too bad thankfully. Now all there is left is Pathophys on Thursday. The hard part is finding (and then maintaining) the motivation to study so close to the end. I only have 5 days left here then back to the United States of AMERICA!!!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Today was the last day lecture!!!! It marks the end of the basic sciences part of med school. No more sitting in the lecture hall with my other 300 and some classmates (well not that many actually make it to lecture at 8AM) trying to pay attention or having to stay awake for four hours. I am almost offically half way done!!!!!! Unfortunately though to complete the term, I must study (cram) for the last two tests. Pharm on Monday and Pathophys on Thursday. Even better is that I am leaving on Sunday the 14th (provided my flight is not delayed, overbooked, or non-existent). After this, I have a week off before starting Boards Bootcamp (aka Kaplan Step 1 Review Course) in Delaware.