Friday, March 31, 2006
While I am doing this my sister, HB, is going to have her labor induced. This will be her second child, another boy! I only wish I could be there to see him but I will have to wait till July. This will make me an aunt to five.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
My mind is on vacation

Today we had an exam review where we can see what we got wrong on the test and take our time to analyze. In theory this is educational but my mind was not working it is already on post-exam vacation and I didn't seem to even remember stuff from the first test on Friday (Pharm). It actually gave me a headache just looking at it!! Hope the knowledge stays in some part of my brain for boards.

After class today JZ, JC and I went to check out the leeward side of the island. Was a crystal clear day to sightsee. It took over an hour to get to the Pirates of the Caribbean set. The views there were amazing. This is where they filmed Pirates 1, 2 and 3. I could tell why they picked that place it was breathtakingly beautiful (the second and third pictures in this post are from the set)

On Friday myself and four others will be leaving for our sailing trip to the Tobago Cays. I am so excited. JZ and I are cooking some chocolate chip cookies and cupcakes right now
In a hour we will be watching the much anticipated LOST!!! I am addicted to that show. My only two shows are that and Grey's Anatomy.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Back to studying for the last few hours that I can manage.
Friday, March 24, 2006

I think I am starring in my own national geographic series! Coming back from a post test lunch I saw a huge neon green iguana walking down the road then just in front of our driveway there was some mongoose like ceature running across. And as always there was something in my bedroom! This time it is one I dont' mind having around, a lizard (a good sized one!). I hope to keep him to eat all the other bugs. He is entertaining himself in front of the mirror thinking his reflection is another lizard.
The Pharmagology test was ridiculous in my opinion. I have to hope my guessing skills were at their prime. No time to worry about it is onto cramming in as much Pathophysiology as I can by Monday!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
- Black Army Ant (just now in the bathroom)
- Fire Ants (biting me 5 or 6 times while I was sitting at my desk)
- Sugar Ants (used to be crawling up and down the wall)
- Flying Red Ants (occasionally flying out of the light socket above my mirror)
Update: Came home at lunch to find fire ants crawling out from under my bed!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
We had a hospital rotation today, waited an hour for the doctor to show up then went to the district clinic next door to find him seeing patients there. We were able to interview and examine a patient even thought he said he would sign our card and let us go for our troubles. It was an interesting case since they dont' know what the lady has. Left us to speculate what it might be.
Anyhow, less than two weeks till my second round of exams and my motivation is zilch. For the last two days I have gotten barely anything done and need to get cracking. I am on top of my work thankfully and just have to go back and cram all the details in.
Less than two months to go!!
Monday, March 13, 2006
The way they did the graft was to remove the skin on his hand up past his wrist (about midway up) and then lifted up the skin on the patients stomach and placed the hand under the stomach skin. Another graft was placed on the stomach to cover open areas. But the hand remained attached to the stomach!! It was then covered in some sort of cast or wrapping (not exactly clear on that part). During the recovery process the patient reported that maggots were in the cast/wrapping and were itchy. The doctor said this wasn't a problem, because the maggots will eat up the debris (actually a benefical thing!). The doctor also mentioned that you can't get maggots under normal circumstances but once they are there, its ok. After 6 or so weeks the cast/wrapping was removed and the hand cut off of the stomach and it looked realtively normal. I am not clear on when this procedure was done, but I presume a LONG time ago and probably in Thailand (our lecuturer spend 7 years there around the time of the Vietnam War). The poor patient. I don't think I could handle maggots living on me much less my arm grafted to my stomach!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Not much else going on here. Julie and I went to an early St. Patty's Day party on Friday put on by our SGA. There were hardly any students there, most were at home studying. It was entertaining though, they had Karaoke. Definetly was worth seeing. The club downstairs had its own dj but it was empty and everyone that was there was outside listening to our classmates attempt to sing.
Today will be a full day of studying. Once I get my ipod geared up, I will be heading to the library to learn as much as possible so I dont' have to get stressed later. Only two months to go till I am back in the states and four months till I can take a break from studying and relax! Till then you know where I'll be......the library.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
We had hospital roations today with the urologist (had two patients, one with curvature of the penis and the other with bladder cancer) and tuesday was internal medicine (patient with severe abdominal distention due to neprotic syndrome (basically peeing a LOT of protein 0ut)). This evening we had night classes for the second time this week. It was an SGU grad and ER doctor from Williamsburg, VA. He made the time fly by in lecture. Too bad he only had four hours of lecture and can't come back and make other things more interesting.
I am also proud to report that so far (knock on wood) I have not seen another spider. I pray this remains the case for the next two months!
Another note, my dad has sold his house. The home I was raised in and for my dad it goes back even further back than that. For those of you unfamilar with it, there is no central heat or air just fans and gas heater in the hallway for those cold spells (and YES, they do have them in North Florida!). I think he might have one of the only houses without central heat or air, not too many still exist. So many memories of my mom and dad heating my clothes up at the heater and bringing them to my bed in the morning so I didnt' have to get up and put on cold clothes. Marshmellows in the fireplace, Zip lines in the backyard, being dragged down the uneven brick patio by the dog, the creeking of the wood floors, raking the yard, camping in the backyard, hammocks, sitting at the table till I finished drinking my mik and so many many more. My Dad has decided to move out and move in with his two older brothers into a house they all own. I imagine it will be an adjustment for all of them, but I think they will enjoy each others company. Perhaps they can revert back to their childhood activities of egg fights and pancake flipping contests. Even though I have not lived in that house for many years, I will miss it. I am sure who ever buys it will simply tear it down to build something bigger and better. Thankfully I have my memories to keep.
Ok, must go put the freshly washed sheets on my bed so I can get in my bed for some sleep!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
6 legged beast

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Stick up
RG:we stoped at KFC for dinner and on the way in a local ran at us with a bone in his hand carved to look like a gun and he told us he was going to shoot us
RG: he was saying "i'm a fucking criminal, i'm going to shoot you.."
RG: turns out he is a looney tune...we had a security guard walk us to the car....he was waiting outside the resturant for us....peaking in the window and shit....the security guard came with us and ran him off...he jumped out from behind a column...guess he didn't see security with us...he ran him off....and told us that the guy was a mental patient
me: wow, theres security people?
RG: just KFC security
RG: yeah thank God cause we where pretty scared
RG: none of us where showing it but we where scared
RG: i seriously though he had a gun
me: what bone was it? and man, whats he gonna take?? your pd kit with his bone?
RG: well...the guard told us it was a bone...we didn't see the was something carved to look like a gun with cloth wrapped tightly around it....
RG: but he was making clicking noises with his mouth like he was cocking the hammer so we kinda knew something was not right
me: guess i will know not to stop at kfc late night
me: i'll make sure to take advantage of the delivery they offer, perhaps he is the reason why they deliver!
RG: but it looked real in the dark....i don't want to experience that again
RG: it feels good to laugh about it now....
me: since your alive
RG: HELL know what the funny thing was...was he was waving this damn thing around all i could think about was..."shit i don't want to get one of those damn chest tubes"
RG: "don't shoot me in the chest please"
RG: but aside form that....the day was good
If he had a blog he said he would post the whole thing but since he doesn't I had to share what I thought was a pretty funny (but scary) thing.
Another day closer to being back in the states
I had an internal medicine rotation today. It wasn’t anything too dramatic or exciting except for the brief moment when I got to hear my first mitral regurgitation murmur. That was pretty cool. The rest was the standard stuff: history, physical exam, present to doctor, listen to doctor tell you what you missed, and the doctor then telling you everything relevant to the case. You learn at lot and retain it more than just reading about it in a book. We have four rotations this week, normally there would be only two, but our group is trying hard to get as many out of the way as soon as possible so we don’t have to go at exam time. Tomorrow we have another internal medicine then surgical/urology on Thursday and pediatrics on Friday! Perhaps we will get to see our little boy from last week. Word is that he was alive and at last notice he was going to get a CT scan to try and figure out why he is still disoriented.
Other things going on here, trying to tackle the numerous packets I have gotten. I think there is at the very least 1-2 inches of notes we got on Monday to be covered in addition to the massive packet for Hematology. I feel bad for all the trees that are dying for me to learn. I should start planting a tree for every day of lecture I have to compensate for the loss.
I sent in my preference for my clinical placement. Unfortunately, I won’t know the results for a few months and even then it won’t be 100% for sure. It is up to the sgu gods to decide, but I will be on the east coast (NY or NJ). I already am dreading the cold weather and wish there was a way to start thickening my blood so I won’t freeze to death when winter arrives next fall. It is bizarre to think that I might not be living in a third world country in the