Sunday, November 26, 2006

Me, Sylvie and Annabeth under the Chrysler building. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving!
Since I last posted nothing too exciting has happened. Things are just moving along. I am now almost finished with my pediatrics rotation. Only two more weeks to go. I spent three weeks on the inpatient floor and last week in the ER. It has been a good experience so far and hopefully will continue. I am gonna be in the clinic this week and then well baby nursery the last week. I think that might be my favorite! The hours were way more intense than laid back psychiatry was and a lot of on call time (on call means your in the hospital working). My hours weren't as bad as they could have been but for two weeks there i was putting in almost 70 hours a week which was not fun. Now that I am off the floor the hours have improved. I had to stay home on Friday from work due to a massive sinus and ear infection. (It actually was pretty nice to have a little more time off too). I have almost fully recovered and am ready to go back for a few days before Thanksgiving. I get the day itself off but not Friday. Good news is though that Pete, Barb and the girls are arriving on Wednesday and I plan to spend lots of time with them! I dont' think I will be having any turkey this year but I'll survive. In the last four years I have only had one thanksgiving dinner so another missed one won't kill me. I'll try to post some pictures of the girls and our activites once they leave. Everyone in FWB is getting together for a big turkey dinner and I do wish I could be down there with all of them. Hopefully I can make it down for Christmas instead.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Penguins!

Isn't he adorable!

one of the polar bears

Beth and Felix at the Zoo

Brooklyn Bridge at night

Fireworks from under the Brooklyn Bridge

they were everywhere about the size of basket balls

big fat jelly fish off the dock

Me and Uncle Hall

Heather, Travis and Me

Lunch at Bay Cafe

Alphabet mess

Two weekends ago, I went and met Liz for dinner at the famous Grimaldi's Pizzeria under the Brooklyn Bridge. The trip there tops the lists of "how much worse can this get". I must share this with you all because it is almost comical the trouble I went through to get there. Note this restaurant is less than 2 miles away from my apartment. So I left my place and headed for the subway. I am sitting on the platform waiting for my train, the "F" train. A "G" train arrives, I continue to sit on the platform waiting for my train when I suddenly realize there has been a change and the "G" is running as the "F". So I hop on and try to figure out where I'm gonna
have to get off. I then get off at the place it says to change to the "F" train. I wait for the "F", get on the "F" and realize after about four stops that it is going in a direction completely oppostite of where I need to go. So I ask those around me for directions and come to find out about 5 other people are also in the same predicament as me. Apparently the "G" is the "F" the "F" is the "C" and I am totally confused as to where or how to get to the restaurant. I get off at the next stop and change to the "F" train (really the "C" train) going the correct direction after much up and down and crossing platforms accompanied by the other lost passengers. I ride to station that seems to be the closest to where I need to go and decided to just get out of the subway cause this whole thing is not working. I leave the station and start walking and asking for directions and am told "ohh its a nice day for a walk there" (ohh god, what does that mean). After 15 minutes of walking, I ask someone again and they tell me it is another 20 minute walk! WHAT! So I hailed the first cab I found (not easy to do in Brooklyn). I tell him exactly where I need to go and am relieved to know I will finally get there. I had already called liz like 5 plus times to tell her I was still on my way an hour later! All of the sudden I realize that the cab is about to go OVER the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan. I explain to him the situation and he says, in broken english, ok, get out here (aka in the middle of the major road and cross over the double concrete barriers to the sidewalk). I was like NO, I dont' think so! So we had to go over the bridge and back over the other way and finally after 1 hour 30-45 minutes later I arrived at the restaurant. Thankfully, the food was great and there was even a huge fireworks display after dinner. My trip home cost me $10 dollars and only took 10 minutes.
Time to play catch up!
I haven't posted much in the last weeks. No particular reason other than I just kept putting it off. So since I last wrote, I have finished 4 weeks of my psych rotation, been down to FWB, had Beth, Nana and Felix as houseguests and managed to squeeze in some tourista stuff too.

The rotation is going well. I am pretty sure that I can say I dont' want to be a psychiatrist! I dont' know how people do that kind of work all the time. They should be nominated for sainthood for all they endure. I am glad to get the experience though and feel I can get a thourough history from any patient after this rotation. I have my oral exam a week from tomorrow and the written a week from Friday. Which means I need to crack down on studying!
The trip down to FWB was short and fast paced. I was able to visit with all the family down there and especially Uncle Hall. I only wish I could go down there more often. The trip back from there was a nightmare but after a night in Atlanta, I made it back in time for my morning meeting with my preceptor.
This weekend Beth, Nana and Felix came to stay with me! Felix has grown so much since I saw him last in July. He is an adorable baby and so alert. He looks a lot like Pete. Beth, Felix and I went to the Central Park Zoo on Saturday. The weather was pleasant and I especially enjoyed seeing the penguins. I think I might want to go back again to see them. I will post pictures so you can see for yourself.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


The vacation has come to an end and my exploration of the city will be limited to weekends and the little bit of spare time I find. The break was definetly a chance to get my ducks in a row and now I am ready to start back.

My first rotation is in Pyschiatry. This is apparently an "easy"start compared to other core rotations. This week I was on the inpatient ward with two other students. I spent most of the time trying to figure out what the expectations are and what my attending wants me to do. I am happy with the attending I am following (such a relief). The ward is locked down at all times, I can't even go to the bathroom without someone letting me in. They dont' give med students keys to anything! I have met some interesting patients but sadly cannot discuss them since patient confidentiality must be maintained!

On another note, I am going to be heading down to FWB not this weekend but next! It will give me a chance to visit with Uncle Hall who is not in good health. Please keep him in your prayers.
I will try to post more often than I have been.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Rooftop view of the light memorial for 9/11 Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 01, 2006

Brooklyn Bridge

Took a walk across Brooklyn Bridge. It had amazing views despite the cloudy weather.

Sunset from my place last night....see lady liberty shining on the horizon?

In honor of dad and wm!

New York Stock Exchange

Trinity Church

City Hall Park (sat here and had lunch)

Camden Plaza, Brooklyn

a nice touch of color in the city!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I was amazed to find a little bit of greenery in the city (Channel Gardens in Rockefeller Center)!

Rockefeller Center in the rain.

Site of my graduation ceremony in June 2008

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Me skating at the Roxy.

A beautiful tree-lined street in Park Slope.

View of Columbus Circle (Central Park in the background) from inside the Time Warner Center.

Not sure what or where....I saw it while walking in the city and thought it was nice.

View of the Empire State Building while waiting to skate at the Roxy.

A beautiful garden in Prospect Park

Grand Army Plaza near Prospect Park

Sunday, August 20, 2006

First Week

Hard to belive I have only been here a week. It feels like so much longer. So far, I have managed to get a bed and a dresser. I know, it does not sound like much! I still must get some furniture to sit on besides grandma's card table and chairs. I am gonna go on a massive hunt tomorrow to find a couch! I am still happy with my place and am managing without ac. The picture above was taken from my living room. You can see the statue of liberty in the skyline. I joined a gym around the corner and am finding the other little shops that are in the area. The week ended with a dinner on Thursday with Liz, DT and VG to celebrate both mine and DT's birthday. We ate at this great place with Southern and Jamaican cuisine. Would love to go back again it was so good. For Friday, I had arranged for a bunch of us to go to a bar. It was an awesome time. It was so nice to see everyone I hadn't seen since before the boards. I put pictures up from both the birthday events on the right sidebar.

My plan right now for the rest of my break is to play tourista. I got some guide books today and am ready to go. I'll make sure to take my camera along to document the sites!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Road trip

The trip to Key West was great. Angie and I managed to travel almost the entire southern part of Florida. This included Orlando, Tampa, Key West, Coconut Grove and many other random stops along the way. We met up with EC at city walk Universal Studios the night I arrived. Then it was onto Tampa the next morning. Ang's in-laws live there so we stayed with them for the night and left Foster (the dog) there while we were gone. We saw the Bodies exhibit there too. It was well worth the trip. It is an incredible site to see and thankfully these bodies did not smell like our cadavers we had back in anatomy! If you get a chance definitely go see the exhibit.
Our trip to Keys was a nice road trip. It took us through alligator alley. And yes, finally after much looking I did see about 4 or so gators sunning themselves in the canal alongside the road. I was very excited. After we crossed the 42 bridges we arrived in Key West. We did the standard tourist stuff. We saw the sunset off the Mallory Square, ate at Sloppy Joe's, went to the "southern most point", swam in the nice and bathwater warm pool and went out on the Western Union Schooner for a sunset sail and ended up staying for the stargazing sail.
On our way back north we stopped over in Coconut Grove (area of Miami). I wanted to see the area where my family had once lived. I wasn't able to see the house because it was recently torn down. It was my Grandmother (Dad's mom) house. It was a beautiful area and I would like to go back at some point. Yesterday we went shopping at the Millenia mall and ran some other errands.
Now, I am on my way back to Brooklyn to get settled into my place. I ordered a bed yesterday over the phone. I had no idea how expensive this would be! Thankfully, I convinced the mattress man to give me a great deal (or so I thought, 60% off). I will see shortly whether it was worth it. Not sure what I am gonna do with the rest of my break till I start my roations in September. There are lots of ideas floating around in my head. I will be posting pictures on the side bar from all the recent events (keys, dc, jersey shore, etc).

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Guess what?????????

It is official……..I passed USMLE Step 1 and am now a Board Certified Medical Student!!!! I am so happy to never have to take that test again. Thanks for all the support you all offered.

I am currently in Orlando to visit Angie for a week and for our road trip to Tampa and Key West. Since I last wrote, I have moved into my new place (minus any furniture). I have not spent a night there because the floors were not dry from being revarnished. The place actually seems better than I had remembered when looking at it the first time. I still have to buy a bed and all those sorts of things. Before going up to move in I stopped in DC and went to the Pig Roast at P&B’s house then out to celebrate AY’s B-day in Dupot Circle. After moving in, Liz and I drove down to the Jersey shore to meet up with Leah for our annual reunion. It was a great weekend. Then back to the farm on Sunday and then back to DC where we (mom, P, S, A, & I went sailing for a couple hours or so on the Potomac River in a sail boat we rented. It was so pleasant. I will post more pictures from all these events when I get back to NY!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Ready to go.....
I am all packed and ready to head north. I have no furniture or even a bed (other than the air mattress) but I have almost everything else I could need. Over the last week, I have spent some time searching through mom's sheds where my belongings had been stored for the last 3 years (with the exception of my clothes) and managed to discover how much stuff I have. Luckily there was only one disappointment.......the box storing my high school year books was not secured properly and had become home to some rodent (rat or mouse). This creature decided to eat part of the binding of one of my yearbooks. I was not to pleased about this and have since moved the books into the house. Another thing I discovered was that I have enough frames to give one to every person I know and still have plenty to keep for myself. Needless to say, I am not taking these items with me. Just more things to haul around and I am sick of moving my stuff from one place to another. I look forward to remaining in one place for at least a year! Once I finished the sheds, I hit the clothes and inside stuff. I found a whole lot of business clothes from my days at GHS. These will come in handy as I retire my flipflops and shorts.

My current plan is to head up with my mom to DC for P&B's Pig Roast followed by AY's Birthday Party! On Tuesday, I will be moving into my new apartment. I did indeed sign the lease when I met with the landlord last week. He wasn't as shady as I thought he might be. I also found out when signing the paperwork that three other people had also put down a deposit on the apartment. Not sure how we ended up being the lucky winners, but I am thankful we got it. After I move in, I am heading to the Jersey shore for a weekend UR reunion with LS and LR. This is gonna be followed by a week with Angie in Florida. We have a roadtrip planned to Key West. I am definitely enjoying this summer break as long as I can!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Brooklyn, New York - my soon to be new home!

It has been a hectic weekend trying to get a place to live. I am currently waiting to hear back from the broker to say that my guarantors (Mom and Sam) are approved. Being a medical student with no income it becomes difficult to do anything without someone to back you up. I am thankful I have a family with the means to help me out. The place my roommate CL and I found is in the area of
Brooklyn we had wanted to live in. It is not the ideal place but
will definitely do for the next year. We spent two days searching for a place. We saw seven places in two days. On Saturday at 5 pm, we finally found one that met our needs. It was insane though, once we saw it we had to run (trying to keep up with the broker in her high heeled shoes) about 7 blocks to her office to contact the owner to let him know we wanted the place. The places in this area go as soon as they are listed. It is cut throat to get a place. I will be able to move in August 1st if all goes well.

After I meet with the landlord today and sign my lease (hopefully), I will then be able to head south to the farm to pack up for the move. It has been three years since I have seen my belongings. I can’t wait to discover all the things I forgot I had. No need to go shopping when I have so much already!

On another note, here are some pictures from the family reunion in FWB. You can see the rest if you click the link on the sidebar.

Crab Island

Me and Aunt Cathy

All the kids!

Sylvie with some sanddollars before she let them go.

Travis, my newest nephew!

The after sunset at the El Matador on Okaloosa Island.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hunting for a place to live

I'm in NYC looking for a place to live. The fun begins tomorrow. I hope my roommate and I can find something great without too much hassle. I'll let you all know how it goes!

Also on the sidebar (to the right of this post), I have put a link to the photos from the reunion. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

IT IS OVER!!!!!!!!!

I'm exhausted but glad to have it behind me. Now, I will keep praying that I passed. Iwill also keep praying for everyone else I know who has yet to take it.
Hang in there, your studying will pay off.
Gotta head to bed so I can make my crack of dawn flight to FWB.

Monday, July 10, 2006

No More Studying!!!!!

As of last night at 8:32 PM EST, I have called it quits on studying for this ridiculous exam. The damage amounted to 7 weeks, 49 days, of studying for 12-14 (or more) hours a day. It has been an experience. I never imagined that I could cram so many details into my head. I have diagnosed myself and everyone I know with every medical condition you could imagine. Despite all the work I am a little (well A LOT) scared and nervous. Will I be able to retrieve all of these random facts tomorrow. I pray somehow all the synapses are working and allow me to access this stuff.

So, on the 50th day, I have taken a break to rest up. As you can see in the picture, I need it! I have aquired some major bags under my eyes (about 3 per eye). My skin is very pale. And although the scale says I have not gained or lost weight, the distribution must changed either from the gym or from sitting for a total of 686 hours. As I put on real clothes (not scrubs or sweats), they are a little snug. I am gonna hope that it is all that muscle I built up at the gym!

For my day of rest, I went to the testing center today to check out the facilities, it seems fine. I'll find out tomorrow. Then spent a few hours shopping. Thank goodness it was a weekday and no one was out. The grocery store was empty too. Some man looked at me and said "no work today?" I hardly knew how to respond. This guy has no idea that it was my first day outside, out of the house for that matter, in over a week!

I can't wait to have a life that does not involve studying. Tomorrow at 8:30 AM I start the test. (This is the day I have been dreading since I started medical school.) Good news though after 5:30 PM EST tomorrow I will officially be on SUMMER BREAK. I head to FWB on an early morning flight and can't wait to see all my family! Please continue to pray that all goes well. It is much appreciated!
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