Me, Sylvie and Annabeth under the Chrysler building.

It is official……..I passed USMLE Step 1 and am now a Board Certified Medical Student!!!! I am so happy to never have to take that test again. Thanks for all the support you all offered.
After I meet with the landlord today and sign my lease (hopefully), I will then be able to head south to the farm to pack up for the move. It has been three years since I have seen my belongings. I can’t wait to discover all the things I forgot I had. No need to go shopping when I have so much already!
On another note, here are some pictures from the family reunion in FWB. You can see the rest if you click the link on the sidebar.
Crab Island
Me and Aunt Cathy
All the kids!
Sylvie with some sanddollars before she let them go.
The after sunset at the El Matador on Okaloosa Island.