Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Guess what?????????

It is official……..I passed USMLE Step 1 and am now a Board Certified Medical Student!!!! I am so happy to never have to take that test again. Thanks for all the support you all offered.

I am currently in Orlando to visit Angie for a week and for our road trip to Tampa and Key West. Since I last wrote, I have moved into my new place (minus any furniture). I have not spent a night there because the floors were not dry from being revarnished. The place actually seems better than I had remembered when looking at it the first time. I still have to buy a bed and all those sorts of things. Before going up to move in I stopped in DC and went to the Pig Roast at P&B’s house then out to celebrate AY’s B-day in Dupot Circle. After moving in, Liz and I drove down to the Jersey shore to meet up with Leah for our annual reunion. It was a great weekend. Then back to the farm on Sunday and then back to DC where we (mom, P, S, A, & I went sailing for a couple hours or so on the Potomac River in a sail boat we rented. It was so pleasant. I will post more pictures from all these events when I get back to NY!


Susi said...

What lovely girls!

The Schlosser's said...

G - I'm so thrilled that you have you "M"...the "D" will soon follow. Love, Angie