At last the day arrived. I graduated from medical school on May 3rd. (Although, I don't technically finish until May 23rd). It was an awesome week and weekend. I had so many visitors. Angie flew in from Texas; Dad, Heather and Aunt Cathy from Florida; Mom, Uncle Pete, Barbara, Sylvie and Annabeth from Virginia; and Martha from California. It was really nice to have everyone there to mark the occasion.

The ceremony was more than I had ever imagined. I invisioned something similar to my MPH graduation where we had a steel drum band and some Cricket Coach as our speaker. This far exceeded all that. It was held in Avery Fisher Hall in Lincoln Center. The speaker, Dr. Kim was amazing and it was all finished in less than two hours! We had a delicious dinner across the street to end the evening.
Thanks to everyone for all their support these last four years. It has been quite the journey. From doing MPH my first year in Grenada to then surviving category 4, Hurricane Ivan to then moving to Long Island and living in a hotel with three other girls for 80 days while completing my first term of med school. I can hardly believe it has come to an end. The next thing on the agenda is to finish my last week of rotations and move out of Brooklyn. I am packing up now and will be in search of a place to live and a vehicle. On May 27th my mom and I are heading to Asia for 3 weeks. I am really excited! We are going to Kyoto, Bali, Yogyakarta, Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Siem Reap. I have a lot of reading to do to update myself on on these places. After I get back I will start my residency orientation. Then July 1st marks day one as an intern. I found out I start in the newborn nursery. Perfect with me!
Lunch with the crew before graduation (minus Allison and Angie)

Me, Martha and Uncle Pete. Martha made her guest appearance before heading to a friend's wedding.

Me and Mom

Aunt Cathy, Me, Uncle Pete, Mom

Me and my sister Heather

Barbara, Me, Pete, Annabeth and Sylvie

Angie, me and Allison

Dr. Gwin and Dr. Peter

The MD, MPH girls

Me and Dad

With Angie on the Brooklyn Promenade

We walked the Brooklyn Bridge.

In Rockfeller Center

My stethoscope cover courtesy of Angie!
Gwin! congrats! i can't wait to continue to read about your adventures through Asia and then as you start! Newborn nursery! a wonderful place to start!!!
Love proud of you! Cheers, Angie
horray for Gwin!
your hardwork and determination paid off! we're proud of you.
Elizabeth, Nana, Felix, and Cecilia
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