My flatmate Kiron and I decided to go to Northern Ireland for three days. It was a great trip. We spent two days in Belfast and one day on the Northern Coast. The city has come along way since the Peace Accord in the 90's, but still has along way to go. The people looked like they had lived a hard life. One Irish pub we went to required us to get buzzed in. Something still in place from the days of the IRA. That same pub were we were the only tourist in the place and everyone could tell, there were a group of teenagers who played traditional Celtic music. I didn't' get a picture of it cause I didn't' want to make it any more obvious I was a tourist.

Belfast City Hall... was modeled after London's St. Paul's Cathedral.

Being a chemistry dork and standing below Lord Kelvin's (absolute zero) statue at Queens University.

The kneelers at Belfast Cathedral. On Sunday morning during our walking tour we happened to catch the last part of mass. The organ was massive and sounded awesome.

The very famous Crown Liquor Saloon. The National Trust took it over to preserve it. This was my favorite thing in the city. So ornate and with so much character.

Inside the Crown Liquor Saloon in our own private booth with a door and buzzer for service. Hard to even describe it all.
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