The trip to Florida was wonderful. I only wish I could have stayed longer. The girls were great but boy having two kids is exhausting! I needed a vacation after I got back. We did have a blast though. We didn't stop moving. We went to the beach multiple times, spent all day at Big Kahuna's, bowled, raced go-carts, swam at the dock, raced hermit crab, went shell hunting and played lots of board games. The first couple days we stayed with Angie and Joe then the rest with Aunt Cathy. Click here for pictures of all our adventures.

Since I have been back, things have been pretty relaxed. I am on a research and child abuse rotation this month. I was able to go up to NYC last weekend. It was a great trip. Liz was kind enough to let me stay with her and I was able to meet up with a bunch of friends and even cousins Elizabeth, Nana, Felix and Cecilia who just moved to the city! I only wish I could have stayed longer. The remnants of Hannah made for a soaker on Saturday. I didn't let that keep me inside though. Stacey and I trudged through the storms to get some good cupcakes! Thankfully, it was just rain... no wind! Sunday was beautiful (calm after the storm) and I had lunch with the cousins and then spent the rest of the day in the park with Liz.
Today, on the anniversary of Sept 11, 2001, I was in court to observe how child abuse cases are handled. The judge had us all stand and say the plegde of allegiance and have our moment of silence. I must say I haven't said the pledge since my days back in elementary school! It is hard to believe how fast 7 years can pass by...
We do have a new addition to the Howton family. Sophia was born on September 8th. She is a beautiful baby! I can't wait to meet her this Christmas! Check out Chris' blog for pictures!