Saturday, August 23, 2008

This Fay thing better get outta the way...

Today, I finished my ward month! It has been exhausting. I learned a lot, mostly how to manage my time and next time I am on wards it has to be a little less stressful. I am currently post-call. For those of you not familiar with the terminology, this means I have just finished spending 30 hours in the hospital (went in Friday 6AM left at Saturday Noon). I came home passed out and am now packing for my trip down to FWB, FL for my week of vacation. I can't wait! Tomorrow my mom is driving in with Sylvie and Annabeth. Then the girls and I will hop on the plane south. Hopefully, there will be no weather delays. I am praying for clear skies so I can soak up some much needed Florida sunshine. Angie and Joe are planning to pick us up at the airport. I'm sure the time will fly. If my mind was functioning a little more, I might think of more to write but I'm pretty beat. More later...

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