Sunday, July 27, 2008

Howton Family Reunion

July 2008
I just uploaded some pictures from the gathering we had this week in DC. Click on the picture above to get to the gallery. My mom and I drove up there a couple times this week and then again for the weekend. I have been on a "easier" rotation the last two weeks and was thrilled to have some free time on my hands. Yesterday we had a birthday celebration for Sylvie, Ella and Katelyn's birthdays. Martha and Beth and their respective families were in town for the week from California. Beth's crew is in the middle of their move to NYC and are staying in DC till their place is available. Lucy and her family came over and Uncle Bill was in town. It was a wonderful. So many little kids now that included Tommy, Ashley and Katelyn (Martha and Mark's), Felix and Cecilia (Beth and Nana's), Maggie and Ella (Lucy and Hank's) , and Sylvie and Annabeth (Pete and Barb's).

Tomorrow morning I start my first month of wards. This will be the real deal. I just hope it goes well. I am looking forward to my week of vacation at the end of the four weeks when I am taking Sylvie and Annabeth down to FWB!!

1 comment:

The Schlosser's said...

So good to see everyone...even if only in pics! SO looking forward to seeing you and the girls in about a month! Good luck with ward. Love, Angie