Wednesday, April 12, 2006

31 DAYS!!!!!!

Finally I have reached the one month mark until I am back in the states for good!! Now, if only I could find some motivation to study my world would be perfect. I have a bad case of "ready to leave itis". Its kinda like senioritis, but since I'm only half way to graduating that term really doesn't work.
I had my BSCE on Monday. It was definetly a marathon test taking session and I am glad to have it behind me, no telling if I passed or not. Have to wait to see what they say at the end of April.

So I am pleased to report our place was not burglured on Break-In Day and I pray this continues to be the case for the next 31 days. The only intruder I have had is another spider. This one was the baby of the Massive spider (30% its size). Under normal circumstances, he would be considered big, but after having the real HUGE one I know he is the baby. God help me if I find another big one, I might pass out. I did see one (not as large as mine but about 80% as big) at the gym the other day. I was thankfully he was there and not in my room. The one I just saw was running under my desk. I quickly smashed him with my flip-flop before he had a chance to get away. I wasn't about to let him get under my bed. I would have spent all night looking for him before I could ever sleep. I'm sure there are more where he came from and I wish I could do something to keep them far away from me. My flip-flops seem to be the best killing machine for spiders, ants and any other random bug that I find.

It must be the week for the uncles.
My Uncle Hall shared with me his art website that is being built. It is currently in the beginning stages of set up but it looks great so far. And...My Uncle Pete had a very nice write up on the front page of the Washington Post Business Section on Monday. The other family news is that my niece Isabelle turned 17 on Saturday! Happy Birthday Isabelle! It sure does make me feel very old! And lastly, my brother, WT, passed his Real Estate Exam (not sure which part) perhaps the one to be a Broker?

Ok, I am gonna go do some work to get my mind of that spider and hopefully then I can sleep.


The Schlosser's said...

I love Uncle Hall's art and have added the site to my favorites to keep up to date. All of your uncles are true insprirations. What - Isabell is 17...that's insane! Can't wait to see you in May. Love, Angie

Susi said...

Thanks for the update. I've updated mine too. I'mdoing greenhouse work today instead of bees. It's 82F !! Too hot for beework! Love, Mom