Sunday, April 09, 2006

8 hours

Tomorrow I have my BSCE II (Basic Sciences Comprehensive Exam). It is 400 questions covering the first two years of medical school. The test is 8 hours long and consists of both internal and external questions. Since my long term memory is not that good, I have been studying. I surely don't remember the details of Anatomy or Biochemistry from back in the day and wonder if i even retained the stuff from my test two weeks ago! The studying is good though because I am giving myself a boost for when I am studying for the USMLE Step 1 (one month from now!). Supposedly, passing for the BSCE II is a 53% but there is debate as to if I really even need to pass it. Regardless, I would regret not having done some preparation and it really can't hurt. So we shall see what happens.

Additionally tomorrow is known as Break In Day. Since all students are stuck in the test for 8 hours locals have found it a good time to break in and take whatever they want. The penthouse above my place was hit last term and I pray that we aren't hit this time. Thankfully, the SGA has set up a room for us to put our "bags or even suitcases of valuables" into during the exam so that we don't lose irreplaceable items (passport, computer, money, harddrive, and anything else we don't want taken). I just went thought a panic a few minutes ago when I couldn't find where I had hidden my passport but finally I located it. Good thing since I will need it to go to Grenada on Friday. Yes, I am going back. Gonna go visit the old roomies who are still there and visit the beach and perhaps some of the restaurants that I miss (I never thought I would say that!).


Susi said...

I'm praying for your brain to give up the facts you need easily. Sam said: Wow, that room would be the place to rob! LOL! I'll pray for your stuff to stay safe. Wow, I sound way more religeous than I really am... You affect me that way. Love, Mom

The Schlosser's said...

Good Luck G - I'm sure it will all flow out naturally! Love, Angie