Friday, April 28, 2006

15 days!

I still can't believe I will be leaving this place in 15 days! After living down here for what seems like forever (3 years!).
I dont' know what I will do when I have:

running water
no mosquito bites all over my body
a real grocery stores

a cell phone with reception, no echo and a real plan (not pre-paid!)
can drive without fearing for my life
see lines on the road
steering wheel on the left side
paved roads
not afraid of being swallowed by potholes/ditches
not have to use matches to light the stove

have hot water in the sink
not have to flip a switch to heat my shower

water pressure
no more transformers
no more ants, spiders!!
dont' have to check my bed for those things
Sadly I will miss:

the perfect warm weather
random rain showers
views of the grenadines
beach time anytime
island hopping

palm trees
carefree lifestyle
being on island time
wearing shorts/tank tops/flipflops all the time
(this isn't a complete list.....i will save some for later)

It is all bittersweet to think about. I consider myself lucky to have had the oppourtunity to live in a place people save a lifetime to visit. AS brought up a good point in the comment she left. If we hadn't gone out in the middle of the DC blizzard for the SGU open house, I dont' know that I would be where I am today.

On another note, I am pleased to report that the water finally came on!! Now, if it will stay on till I leave, I will thrilled! Monday is "Worker's Day" and NO SCHOOL!! I think it is like Labor Day. To celebrate I will be studying in the library the entire time in an attempt to make up for my lack of motivation which I have been experiencing since the last set of exams.


The Schlosser's said...

Wonderfully written Gwin! I sure do wish you could have the best of both worlds. Can't wait to see you! Love, Angie

Susi said...

Someday those islands will have all the amenities we do, but there will then be too many people. You have bloomed in the lovely place you were planted. Love, Mom