There is always an adventure with this kid in our class. (I won’t name names).Well he wasn’t the one who had the adventures but I’m sure his presence was enough to cause problems! Lately, everyone has been going to climb the volcano. Well a small group went today and ended up spending four hours at the top because of a mishap. One person set his bag down about 2 feet from the rim and all of the sudden a gust came and took it away. See the picture to the right and imagine a bag floating all the way down.....I can see this happening because I too was terrified mine was gonna fly off to South America when I was up there. (I did almost lose my jacket while trying to put it on at the top.) Turns out that in his bag are his cell phone, wallet and keys. Loosing the keys makes it hard to get back from the little over an hour drive to the volcano. He and his friends climbed down the rope into the crater and spent the rest of the afternoon searching for it, back and forth, up and down. Keep in mind it is a serious drop into the crater probably about a 1,000ft. During one of the trips, he slips, feet hanging about 800 ft over the edge and was barely caught by a rock. He sure is lucky to have survived. They never found the bag and were able to get home after about a 7 hour hike. When he returned all he could say was “the volcano beat me”.
Holy COW! What a story! I'm so glad that wasn't during your trip. Was this the sailboat friend? Thanks for keeping us posted! Love, Angie
There are some folks who will be eventually 'Culled from the Herd'. He might be one of them! Please don't You be!
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