Saturday, January 28, 2006

check, check

I had my second and third hospital visits this last week in ER and Anesthesiology. They both went well. In the ER we were given a patient to do a history and vitals on. Our differentials came down to either ectopic pregnancy or ovarian cysts. (Can’t give too many details about our patient because I have this confidentiality thing that I must maintain!!!) But things I can tell you are…that I won the rock, paper, scissors contest between my other four group members. I choose scissors and beat them all in one go (everyone else had paper). Winning meant I got to go in with the doctor. I thought, Ohh I’ll just watch while she tells me what she is doing. The famous “see one, do one, teach one”. Well she must have figured I had done the “see one” and hands me the speculum to do the pelvic exam. So now I have a procedure written down in my green hospital card.

The visit for Anesthesiology went fine, it was just talking about the drugs used for surgery. Was a bit crowded though since another group decided they wanted to watch the plastic surgery that was taking place. Imagine 10 medical students in addition to the five or six members of the surgical team in one room. Keeping in mind that the A/C is not that powerful. Next week we have Peds and Medicine. No telling what we might see.

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