Burned out....
Today is my study break day. I only have two more of them left till my class ends. I must say it is hard to keep up the momentum. I keep trying to motivate myself and continue to do the work but boy is it hard. I can't wait to have this experience over with and enjoy some time off. I am looking forward to the family reunion in FWB that I will just barely make it too after my exam. This is actually the reason why I scheduled my exam on the 11th, I couldnt' stand the chance of missing the gathering. It will be so nice to see everyone and meet the new babies that were born while I was away. We just had Biochem taught by a professor from USA in Mobile. He was amazing. I wish he had taught me the subject the first time around. Tomorrow starts Immunology followed by Micro, Pharm and Path. Please feel free to leave words of encouragement or advice. I can use all the help I can get. Now....I must get back to work.
Go get'em Gwin! You're doing great and it's so worth it all in the long run. Just keep the reunion in the back of your mind and all the science in the front. Miss you. Can't wait to see you again. Love, Angie
You are working for the priviledge of helping others. That is the highest calling anyone can meet, and I am overwhelmingly proud of your commitment. So many others have walked your difficult road, studying long hours for seemingly little short term reward. Maturity is seeing into the long term, and working toward rewards unseen, but predictable. You are a fully mature woman, as demonstrated by your dedication to your calling.
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