He is gone....Dustin passed away on Saturday morning. This was just days after celebrating our 28th birthday. Please see Beth and Nana's blog for more news. I'm in Atlanta right now and am set to take my test tomorrow. Then to Florida right after for a memorial service on Wednesday. This is too much.I will post more at some point when the reality of it all starts to set in.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
At Pacifico with Courtney
And Tara and Lucia.
No More Surgery For Me Here are pictures from my birthday celebration. It conveniently coincided with the end of my surgery rotation, as well as the end of my third year of medical school. All the fun has ended though and I am deep into studying for my Step II. This includes both a practical and a written exam. On Monday, I have the practical part where I have 12 patients to do history and physicals. I get to go down to Atlanta for it! I wish I could have taken it closer but that wasn't possible. At least I get to go down south and be reminded of how nice people really are. (They aren't that pleasant here in NY.) I am still taking my Kaplan class for another week and a half and then I am on my own for studying for the second part of the Step II. It is so hard to sit still and study. I feel like I might have ADD. I joined the YMCA on Monday and figure I must get some exercise in since I will be sitting studying till mid September. I take my test Sept 20th (unless I feel ready sooner, highly unlikely). It has been really nice to be able to sleep in finally. I still wake up way earlier than I think is normal but it is sure better than going to the hospital at 5:30 in the morning. The weather here has been pretty sucky and cold. It makes me dread the thought of winter coming. Ok, thats all for now. Must go study!
Here are pictures from my birthday celebration. It conveniently coincided with the end of my surgery rotation as well as the end of my third year of medical school. That was a lot to celebrate! I am now deep into studying for my Step II. This includes both a practical and a written exam. I have the practical part where I have 12 patients to do history and physicals on
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Mandy's Birthday
Aviv picked an awesome piano bar for the party!
Pete loved NY so much he is gonna come here for his residency.
Sunday in Prospect Park.
I took Maria to Billy's Bakery. They have the best cupcakes ever.
At the shore with Liz!
If it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger Well, I am not dead yet from this ridiculous schedule, but this weekend might have done it. My kaplan class started on Monday and it is now in full swing. I am trying to manage that at night and on weekends all while doing surgery. I would not advise anyone to try doing this. Thankfully, I am almost done with surgery. Only two more weeks!
Since I last wrote, not too much has happened. I did manage to get outta town for a weekend and go down to the Jersey Shore to Liz's beach house. It was really nice vacation. I got together with Maria before she moved outta NYC. It was sad for her to go, but at least we got to see each other and do some touristy stuff before she left. In mid June, Pete came for 6 weeks to do his psych rotation and we managed to go out quite a bit. I finally got to see Mandy a couple weekends ago for her birthday which was awesome since I hadn't seen her in over a year! The weather has been pretty awesome here lately. I have gone to Prospect Park. It feels like you left the city for a little bit. On one of my post call days I went and bought some plants/flowers to put on my fire escape. I have discovered it is a nice porch too. The flowers look great. I need to get a little chair for it now. As for the surgery stuff, I have loads of funny stories I could write about. Unfortunately though, I don't have the energy for it at the moment. I will try to get to that at some point. For now I will leave you with some pics of the last couple months.