Here is a little bit of FWB and the famous sugar beaches. I'll be there in two weeks working on my tan and seeing every relative I have!!
Only 5 more class days of USMLE Bootcamp. We have the Godfather of Path coming to teach us on Thursday. I hope he is all that they make him out to be. My last study day is tomorrow and I have lots to do. We shall see if it I can accomplish it all.
It has been raining nonstop here in Delaware for at least three days. It makes me want to crawl back in bed and sleep rather than study. No time for that though, sleep is for the weak.

This is a picture my dad took. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it with everyone. It reminds me of my childhood. (He has been dubbed the unoffical photographer for the FWYC and has taken some amazing shots!) I can't wait to get down there and see FWB for myself. It has been too long and I sure do miss it.
Thursday is the new is my day off. My last and finally one will be next Wednesday. It has not been as productive as I would have hoped for but ohh well. I am still burned out and just trying to get through each day shoving more information into my brain while praying that what is crammed in won't go out. I can't wait to be finished with this. The good news is I booked my flight to FWB for the 12th of July. I will be there by noon! I can't wait to see everyone. It can't come soon enough!
Burned out....Today is my study break day. I only have two more of them left till my class ends. I must say it is hard to keep up the momentum. I keep trying to motivate myself and continue to do the work but boy is it hard. I can't wait to have this experience over with and enjoy some time off. I am looking forward to the family reunion in FWB that I will just barely make it too after my exam. This is actually the reason why I scheduled my exam on the 11th, I couldnt' stand the chance of missing the gathering. It will be so nice to see everyone and meet the new babies that were born while I was away. We just had Biochem taught by a professor from USA in Mobile. He was amazing. I wish he had taught me the subject the first time around. Tomorrow starts Immunology followed by Micro, Pharm and Path. Please feel free to leave words of encouragement or advice. I can use all the help I can get. Now....I must get back to work.
I have finished three weeks of camp and now three more to go. Last night a group of us went to downtown Wilmington. So nice to get out of the hotel. I forgot what a pretty city it is. Today was a "study break" (our one day off a week) so spent it immersed in physio. The highlight of my day was an outing to buy more pens and tabs and then some dinner at Chik-Fil-A (my favorite fast food place!). Now it is back to the books. Sad life here. Study, study, study and yet more studying.......
Another week has passed and I'm still hanging in there. Today was a long lecture day, 8 hours of Behavioral Science. It was kind of bizarre going to class on a Sunday, but lately all the days seem to run together. The prep is going well so far despite being overwelming. My eyes seem to be bloodshot from lack of sleep and the ever present AC draft in the lecture room is making me stay sick for the last 2 weeks. I am trying to fight it off with loads of Vitamin C but so far it isn't working. On Friday night, I took a study break and met up with Liz and family to see the Break Up. It was so nice to hang out a bit and catch up on things. And Saturday night I met her for some late night chocolate milkshakes at Charcoal Pit! The good news is that I finally got my start date for my clinical roations. I am off until September!! So, the plan is to move up to NY at the start of August and get settled in. Then I can do some traveling before the real work starts. At last, I can unpack the things I packed away 3 years ago. No telling what is stored in mom's shed. If anyone knows of a place available up in that neck of the woods for rent please let me know.