Tourista back in action

The last month has been wonderful. It is so nice to have all the tests behind me. The interviews have started. I had my first one yesterday. It wasn't as stressful as I had imagined. It went well and now I have three more this next week. I should be a professional interviewee at the end of this in February. Cheryl and I did a all day tour of Central Park a couple weekends ago. It was a beautiful warm day especially for October. The leaves had just started to change. Yesterday PK and I went out to the Halloween parade in the city. It was insanely crowded but worth it. If I am still in this area next year or in the future I am definitely joining in the parade. That seems to be the better way to see things. Enjoy the pictures!
Gwin, you look amazing! I'm so happy that you are enjoying your time up there - test free! I miss you very much and will be thinking of you during this "interview season." Love you, Angie
Hi Gwin! This is Sylvie! I have a new blog! It is
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