Two weekends ago, I went and met Liz for dinner at the famous Grimaldi's Pizzeria under the Brooklyn Bridge. The trip there tops the lists of "how much worse can this get". I must share this with you all because it is almost comical the trouble I went through to get there. Note this restaurant is less than 2 miles away from my apartment. So I left my place and headed for the subway. I am sitting on the platform waiting for my train, the "F" train. A "G" train arrives, I continue to sit on the platform waiting for my train when I suddenly realize there has been a change and the "G" is running as the "F". So I hop on and try to figure out where I'm gonna have to get off. I then get off at the place it says to change to the "F" train. I wait for the "F", get on the "F" and realize after about four stops that it is going in a direction completely oppostite of where I need to go. So I ask those around me for directions and come to find out about 5 other people are also in the same predicament as me. Apparently the "G" is the "F" the "F" is the "C" and I am totally confused as to where or how to get to the restaurant. I get off at the next stop and change to the "F" train (really the "C" train) going the correct direction after much up and down and crossing platforms accompanied by the other lost passengers. I ride to station that seems to be the closest to where I need to go and decided to just get out of the subway cause this whole thing is not working. I leave the station and start walking and asking for directions and am told "ohh its a nice day for a walk there" (ohh god, what does that mean). After 15 minutes of walking, I ask someone again and they tell me it is another 20 minute walk! WHAT! So I hailed the first cab I found (not easy to do in Brooklyn). I tell him exactly where I need to go and am relieved to know I will finally get there. I had already called liz like 5 plus times to tell her I was still on my way an hour later! All of the sudden I realize that the cab is about to go OVER the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan. I explain to him the situation and he says, in broken english, ok, get out here (aka in the middle of the major road and cross over the double concrete barriers to the sidewalk). I was like NO, I dont' think so! So we had to go over the bridge and back over the other way and finally after 1 hour 30-45 minutes later I arrived at the restaurant. Thankfully, the food was great and there was even a huge fireworks display after dinner. My trip home cost me $10 dollars and only took 10 minutes.
Time to play catch up! I haven't posted much in the last weeks. No particular reason other than I just kept putting it off. So since I last wrote, I have finished 4 weeks of my psych rotation, been down to FWB, had Beth, Nana and Felix as houseguests and managed to squeeze in some tourista stuff too. The rotation is going well. I am pretty sure that I can say I dont' want to be a psychiatrist! I dont' know how people do that kind of work all the time. They should be nominated for sainthood for all they endure. I am glad to get the experience though and feel I can get a thourough history from any patient after this rotation. I have my oral exam a week from tomorrow and the written a week from Friday. Which means I need to crack down on studying! The trip down to FWB was short and fast paced. I was able to visit with all the family down there and especially Uncle Hall. I only wish I could go down there more often. The trip back from there was a nightmare but after a night in Atlanta, I made it back in time for my morning meeting with my preceptor. This weekend Beth, Nana and Felix came to stay with me! Felix has grown so much since I saw him last in July. He is an adorable baby and so alert. He looks a lot like Pete. Beth, Felix and I went to the Central Park Zoo on Saturday. The weather was pleasant and I especially enjoyed seeing the penguins. I think I might want to go back again to see them. I will post pictures so you can see for yourself.