Monday, November 29, 2010

For those of you who are not on facebook and might feel neglected on not seeing my photos.
Here is a link to the pictures from this Fall. Enjoy! Click here: Autumn on the East Coast

Central Park 

On the streets of NYC

On the streets of RIC

Supporting the Richmond Spiders
 The amazing new UR stadium
 Mom and Sam
 Spending time with Mom for her Birthday!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

I decided this year to be a little green. I opted to not get a real Christmas tree and instead decorate my palm. I figured I would also save some money and not have to worry about all those pine needles the trees drop. (I found some under my rug a couple weeks ago from last year's tree!) So I pulled out my ornaments and have decorated my sweet palm. This isn't the first time we have done this. This is a link to our tree from a few years back. This years kinda reminded me of a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.


My mother gave me a gift that keeps giving. She signed me up a couple years ago for "Orchid of the Month" club. Every month I have been getting a beautiful orchid at my door. They are lovely and bloom so long, some for a few months. I have been so excited to have about 4 or 5 that have bloomed again. I would like to think from all my tender loving care made this happen.

Here are some pics of my orchids. The first one is of the beautiful purple one that just rebloomed!

This is part of the orchid spread.


 And here are the rest!

There are a couple more that look like they are putting out new bloom shoots. Can't wait to see what else will rebloom.