We got massive amounts of snow this winter.

We went to Charleston for New Year's

Chris and I went on a trip to the Turks and Caicos in January. It was beautiful.
A few weeks ago Mac and I went out west. We went to Portland and Seattle. Neither of us have ever been out there. We planned to go somewhere cloudy. He just got LASIK and pre-LASIK you can't wear contacts. This meant he couldn't wear sunglasses. We were so lucky to have incredibly beautiful weather (Def could have used some sunglasses). We packed in as many sites as possible and walked tons. I was so excited that one of my great friends from residency was randomly out there at the same time so we got to meet up with her and her husband.

Flowers in the Seattle Market

Me and Mac at the top of the Space Needle

View on the train ride to Seattle

Awesome tree in the Japanese Garden in Portland

Eating a delicious donut from Voodoo Donuts
As for residency, I am less than a month away from finishing up my second year. This means soon I will be a third year resident and that much closer to being out of school forever! It is scary but exciting. I will need to start the job hunt sometime in the near future. I have realized that I will probably try to stay in Richmond. It really is a great city and I have loved living here. I somehow lucked out and they front loaded my schedule which means I have all my hard rotations first. I start off the year in the PICU. Fun times. This month despite being on outpatient I have to do a bunch of "cross-covers". Something I do not like doing.

Me with some of my fellow residents.
My cousin Chris is getting married at the end of this month to Donna (we know her as Stevie). The events will take place in New Jersey. I am very excited about this since it will mean I get to see all my family in a mini reunion. I was so thankful I could arrange to switch my schedule around so I can get off time to be up there.
Leah, Liz and Ashleigh are coming next weekend for a 1904 UR reunion. I am looking forward to seeing all of them. It has been a long time. Leah is currently pregnant with her second child so that may mean we are a little tamer than usual.
The terrible oil spill is just now starting to affect the Panhandle of Florida. I am heart broken to think about this and how our "world's most beautiful beaches" will be ruined. I hope the winds turn in our favor and that they find a way to stop the leak soon.
I will try to post more often.