Time Warp I just looked up and here it is almost June. The end of my third year of med school is fast approaching. On Friday, I completed my internal medicine rotation. It was a very long three months. I learned more than I thought possible and despite having a lot of "psych" cases it ended up going pretty well. I really lucked out. But no worries, I am not going to pursue a career in internal med. I'm still gonna stick with peds. I even am in the process of writing how much I want to do peds. The dreaded personal statement. I must sell myself to a residency program and try to tell them why they should offer me a job. I thought the patient write-ups were bad. This is worse. A much harder task. I cranked out a rough draft and have sent it out to the parents for some feedback. I am hoping some of you also might be able to give some insight too. I am blessed with a family full of writers. Too bad that gene didnt' rub off on me. My roommate and I will be moving into a new place in less than two weeks! We are moving into a three bedroom with another girl from school. I can't wait. This place is in prime park slope, has central heat and air, is right next to the subway stop and has tons of restaurants nearby. We are ending our lease a month and a half early but are lucky to have (keep your fingers crossed) found someone to sign a new lease. We will find out tomorrow if it all comes through. My mom is going to be coming up to do a majority of the moving for me. I am very very lucky. It is unlikely I will have time to do it since I begin surgery tomorrow and therefore will have no free time. I am dreading it but this is the last rotation of my third year and it will be nice to have it over with. Hopefully the almost passing out (like what happened in ob/gyn) won't happen again. My desensitization hopefully has held up over the last couple months. I will find out soon.
Over the last couple weeks the weather has finally warmed up. It wasn't gradual either. One day winter, the next day summer. Kinda bizarre but a welcomed change. I have made it to the park (not central park but prospect park) a half dozen times to sit in the sun and do some reading. It isn't quite the beach but it will have to do for now. Its very peaceful. Almost everyday I have been checking the scene at the beach and wish I was there.
I never managed to post about Angie's visit. She came to visit me in April. It was awesome to see her. I only wish she lived closer. We had a fantastic time when she was here. We were tourists to the max. Perhaps she will come visit me again :)
We had a beautiful sunset here tonight that i watched from the rooftop. Sadly, the pictures do not do it justice. The sun was a bright orange ball in the sky, so perfectly round setting behind the Statue of Liberty.
So thats about all from here. I will apologize in advance for not posting much as this surgery thing might be sucking the life out of me. I will try to make an effort though.