Me, Sylvie and Annabeth under the Chrysler building.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving! Since I last posted nothing too exciting has happened. Things are just moving along. I am now almost finished with my pediatrics rotation. Only two more weeks to go. I spent three weeks on the inpatient floor and last week in the ER. It has been a good experience so far and hopefully will continue. I am gonna be in the clinic this week and then well baby nursery the last week. I think that might be my favorite! The hours were way more intense than laid back psychiatry was and a lot of on call time (on call means your in the hospital working). My hours weren't as bad as they could have been but for two weeks there i was putting in almost 70 hours a week which was not fun. Now that I am off the floor the hours have improved. I had to stay home on Friday from work due to a massive sinus and ear infection. (It actually was pretty nice to have a little more time off too). I have almost fully recovered and am ready to go back for a few days before Thanksgiving. I get the day itself off but not Friday. Good news is though that Pete, Barb and the girls are arriving on Wednesday and I plan to spend lots of time with them! I dont' think I will be having any turkey this year but I'll survive. In the last four years I have only had one thanksgiving dinner so another missed one won't kill me. I'll try to post some pictures of the girls and our activites once they leave. Everyone in FWB is getting together for a big turkey dinner and I do wish I could be down there with all of them. Hopefully I can make it down for Christmas instead.